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Charity worker suspended after this shocking photo was shared on Facebook

Just appalling.

A charity worker has been caught out in a disgraceful act in which she uses a severely disabled pensioner as a dumping ground for her shopping bags.

Emma Price, 25, took the man in his late 70s outside, away from his care home to get some ‘fresh air’, but really, Price just wanted to go shopping.

The woman had worked for Mencap for over a year, which their company tag line reads: ‘The voice of learning disability’.

An outraged woman, Charlotte Shaw, snapped a picture of the distressing sight outside Leicester shopping centre in the UK and quickly posted it to the Mencap Facebook page.

The shocking photo

Her caption read: “One of your staff smoking whilst on the phone in Leicester, shoving all of her shopping bags on top of him with no care in the world.”

Shaw added: “I don’t think she should be able to work with vulnerable people who need care.”

Price has now been suspended.

Mencap’s director of regional services Steve Baker said: “We are appalled by what is happening in the picture.

“After seeing it we immediately took action.”

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