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Cecil the lion’s brother found alive

Cecil the lion’s brother has been found alive less than 24 hours after it was reported he had also been illegally killed by hunters.

Cecil the lion’s brother has been found alive less than 24 hours after it was reported he had also been illegally killed by hunters.

The magnificent beast – named Jericho – was photographed alive and well overnight, after members of conservation group WildCRU tracked him using his GPS collar.

“JERICHO IS ALIVE AND WELL. Last night we were surprised so see rumours of the death of a second lion, Jericho, circulating in the media – we had no evidence for this,” Professor David Macdonald, WildCRU’s Director posted on social media.

“The rumours claimed he too had been hunted illegally. The WildCRU field research team and a National Parks ranger set out at daybreak to attempt to find him.

“People will realise that even with the aid of tracking equipment, this is difficult and skillful work in remote bush. Andy Loveridge contacted me moments ago. Jericho was seen alive and well at 06.15am.

“He has been feeding on a giraffe kill with the lionesses from his pride.”

Jericho is an 11-year-old male lion who lives in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park. Rumours he had been killed started circulating yesterday after the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force posted a Facebook status reading: “It is with great sadness and regret that we report that Jericho was shot dead at 4pm this afternoon We have no further details but will advise as soon as we know more.”

Jericho’s brother Cecil made headlines worldwide when he was found skinned and beheaded last week. Cecil was lured away from his home and hunted by a rich American dentist, Walter Palmer.

Walter Palmer (left) with another lion he killed.

Researchers say that while Jericho is not Cecil’s biological brother, they shared a bond akin to “brotherhood” in the wild, relying on each other for help to keep their prides in line and other lions away from their territories.

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