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Boy falls out of window chasing fire truck, survives

It’s a miracle that he’s alive.
Boy falls out of window chasing fire truck, survives

Three-year-old Christopher Hay is lucky to be alive. On August 27, the toddler fell from a 12-foot-high window after seeing a fire truck drive by his house.

It is believed that when the fire truck drove past, little Christopher went to place his hands on his mother’s bedroom window to get a closer look, but the window was open, and he fell straight out of it.

His mum, Kirsty Hay of Essex in the UK, is naturally calling the incident “miraculous”.

“He just seems so unharmed, he came straight home and slept in my bed as if nothing had happened,” she says.

“He is fully aware of what has happened and how lucky he is.”

According to Hay, Christopher only sustained minor injuries, including two small fractures on the front of his skull, some scratches and a fat lip.

Hay is now using this experience as a way of warning parents about leaving windows open in their homes.

“It is a big bay window, and the bottom half of the window was open, as it has been since early April with the hot weather we have been having,” she explains.

“I have taken a lot of slack from people saying ‘how has this happened?’, ‘why have you left your child alone by a window?’.

“I just hope my story can act as a warning to other parents.”

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