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Dog abandoned on curb waits a month for his family to come back

He was just laying there, being his loyal self.

A dog named Boo was one of the things left behind by a Detroit family who were forced to leave the area after they were evicted from their home.

Discarded along with a mattress, a lamp and a few other pieces of furniture, Boo curled up into the pile of familiar things and smells and waited for his family to come back.

He waited for a month.

In that time concerned neighbours had been leaving the pit bull food and water before someone finally called Mike Diesel, founder of Detroit Youth and Dog Rescue, who came right over to inspect what was going on.

“He was just laying there, being his loyal self,” Diesel told The Dodo.

“Pillows were still on the mattress. Being the loyal dog he was supposed to be, he waited for his master to come back.”


Diesel said he spent about 11 hours with the pit bull, whom he named

Boo – a name actually given to him by Diesel – said he spent almost half a day with the animal at his side, feeding him, talking to him, even buying him McDonalds, just to win the loyal pet’s trust.

Finally, the dog let the dog trainer put a collar on him.

“Once I got that on him, I walked him for about half an hour,” Diesel said.

“Just being right there next to him, gaining that trust. After that we sat on the ground, on a blanket, for an hour.”

And thanks to Mike Boo is being taken care of at the animal shelter but it’s believed he’s still looking for a forever home to be adopted into.

You can connect with the Detroit Youth & Dog Rescue through its Facebook Page.

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