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Shocking video of young woman manhandled at Donald Trump rally

Trump does nothing to diffuse the situation and can be heard snarling “Get out!” as the woman is assaulted by the crowd.

Video has emerged of a crowd of largely white men pushing and screaming at a young black woman at a Donald Trump rally in Louisville, Kentucky, on Tuesday night.

In the video, Trump does nothing to diffuse the situation and can be heard snarling “Get out!” as the woman is manhandled by the crowd.

Tensions have been high for all the political candidates during this week’s Super Tuesday polls, but most managed to hold rallies without incurring incidents of what appears to be overt racist behaviour.

On Monday, 30 black students attending a Donald Trump rally at Valdosta State University in rural Georgia were forcefully ejected — and for what? It seems simply for being black.

Matthew Heimbach, a leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party and one of the most renowned youth leaders of modern white supremacy and Neo-Nazism in the US, was believed to be at the rally where the young woman was removed. He later bragged on Twitter that youth workers from the Traditionalist Worker Party were responsible for snatching any anti-Trump signs.

In November 2015, Heimbach received a letter from the United Kingdom’s Home Office banning him from entering the country because of his extremist rhetoric and views.

In the video, not a single person offers to help safely escort the woman out – instead she is met by jeers, taunting and even worse, looks of indifference from onlookers.

Many of Trump’s critics are currently wondering what is the world coming to how a man like Donald Trump – a man who gutlessly stands behind a microphone and cheers on a group of suspected white supremacists who are man-handling a defenseless woman – has got so far in his bid to lead the free world?

How? We don’t know.

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