Local News

Bizarre Coles ‘bleeding’ apple

A Coles customer bought some red apples but was disturbed to later find a strange sticky red substance oozing from it.

Ok, this is REALLY strange.

A Coles customer bought some royal gala apples from a store in Brighton, Victoria, but after washing them, she spotted a strange sticky red substance oozing from the fruit.

It almost appears like the apple is bleeding. Ick.

The woman, Louise Kavanagh, took a picture of the unexplained occurrence and posted it to the Coles Facebook page.

She wrote: “Dear Coles, Yesterday I bought a royal gala Apple from your store in Brighton. Unfortunately it was heavily coated in wax, so I washed it in hot water to melt off the wax and left it to dry.”

“5 hrs later, the Apple looked like this photo with red dots of a sticky substance oozing out of the Apple. I have never seen this happen with any Apple I have ever bought before and I am really disturbed by it.”

“Why is the Apple I bought from you oozing a sticky substance and what is this substance?”

Coles responded and couldn’t explain it either, but are investigating it with the Quality team.

One person suggested that it was dye that made the apple red, and another person said that in all their years of working with green grocers, she’d never seen anything like this.

We’ll definitely be keeping tabs on this case just to know what in the world caused this!

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