When news of Barnaby Joyce expecting a baby with an ex-staff member broke, it would only be a matter of time before the future of his political career would capture of the gaze of political and media commentators. And now, media commentator and Canberra insider Nikki Savva claims that the Deputy Prime Minister’s career hangs in the balance.
As reported by The Daily Mail, Ms Savva, whose own husband works for Malcolm Turnbull, says that she could not see Joyce leading the Nationals into the next election.
“I think his career is over, maybe not in the short term, but certainly in the medium term,” she said.
“I just think the sun is setting on his career, and I can’t see how he can survive.”
The impact of Joyce’s affair has had on those around him hit no-one harder than his now-ex wife, Natalie, and their daughters.

Barnaby with his now-ex Natalie.
“He could have got out of it a bit better I thought,” added Ms Savva. “If [Mr Joyce] had gone on and said, ‘I really regret the pain that I have inflicted on my family, on my wife Natalie, and on my four daughters, I still really love my daughters.'”
Mrs Joyce revealed her shock and pain following Mr Joyce and his former senior media advisor’s pregnancy revelation in a candid statement to The Australian.
“This situation is devastating on many fronts,” she told the paper.
“For my girls who are affected by the family breakdown and for me as a wife of 24 years, who placed my own career on hold to support Barnaby through his political life.”
“Naturally we also feel hurt by the actions of Barnaby and the staff member involved.”
It is now being reported that Mr Joyce and Ms Campion have moved in together, taking up residence in a six-month rent-free property in Armidale, New South Wales.
In that time, Mr Joyce will save almost $14,000 from not paying rent on the property.
The Australian have reported that this property was provided for free for a local businessman (and known friend of Mr Joyce) Greg Maguire.
More as this story develops.