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Please don’t kill my son

The families of Bali Nine members Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran give an emotional press conference calling for President, Joko Widodo to stop the execution.

Earlier today the families of Bali Nine members Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran gave an emotional press conference calling for President, Joko Widodo to stop the execution.

“Today is probably one of the hardest days we’ll face as a family,” said Andrew’s brother Michael Chan.

“To see Andrew holed up… being dignified and courageous… I saw today something that no other family should have to go through. Nine families inside a prison saying goodbye to loved ones… To walk out of there and say goodbye for the last time, it’s torture. No family should endure it.”

Myuran’s mother and sister were overcome with grief.

“Please don’t take my brother from me,”sobbed Myuran’s sister.

Tributes for the pair were pulished on social media today, including a moving message from artist Ben Quilty who is a close friend of both Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan.

“Joko Widodo tonight you will kill two good men, my friends,” Quilty wrote.

“I want you to know that you may take their freedom and their lives, you may rob their fellow inmates of the support and love that both men have offered for so long, you can turn off Myu’s imagination but you will never kill the memory of them.

“I have promised Myu and Andrew, their parents and their siblings, that I will fight against the death penalty for the rest of my life.

“I can also assure you that Myu and Andrew will care for the other inmates you will execute tonight.

“The six men and one young woman from the Philippines, Ghana, Brazil and Nigeria will have two constant, calming and compassionate voices beside them right until the last second.

“Myuran will continue to translate your executioner’s words into English for Mary Jane Veloso and Andrew will calm and console.

“I know that before the sound of your guns the island will hear the comforting whisper of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan.”

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