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You’ll spit out your tea when you find out how much the Australia Post CEO is paid

Put it this way, it’s 10 times the salary of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull…
Obscene annual salary of Australia Post’s Ahmed Fahour

Did someone say damage control?!

Australia Post is currently trying to justify attempts to keep the salary of its chief executive secret. But the secret is out.

Liberal Senator James Paterson released documents provided by Australia Post in response to questions from a Senate committee and they reveal Australia Post’s CEO Ahmed Fahour was paid a staggering $5.6 million last year.

Or $4.4 million with a bonus of $1.2 million, to be exact.

Another five execs at the company earned between $1.8 million and $1.3 million.

In a week where Malcolm Turnbull has attempted to curb politicians’ perks to appease the public, this news about Australia’s highest public service is certainly about to ruffle some feathers.

Fahour’s salary is 10 times the amount of the Prime Minister. Turnbull himself says it’s excessive:

“I think it [Fahour’s salary] is too high,” Turnbull told reporters. “I know it is a big job, it is a big company, the company has been able to improve its position, but in my view, and I say this as someone who spent most of his life in the business world before I came into politics, I think that is a very big salary for that job”.

Australia Post previously refused to disclose Fahour’s salary, saying there was “no public interest” in releasing the information.

Well, we beg to differ…

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