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Americans are getting ‘interesting’ tattoos of Donald Trump

Can you imagine seeing Malcolm Turnbull inked on Aussie bodies?

Americans are showing their pride (and disdain!) for President-Elect Donald Trump by getting him tattooed on their bodies.

A very permanent reminder of the 45th President of the United States…

A Trump fan got this huge portrait on what appears to be their bum.

This tattoo parlour in Boston were offering free tattoos for Trump supporters! The plan backfired when protesters caught wind of it…

Wonder if they’ll live to regret it?

Some of the inkings are in prominent areas.

Political satire using The Simpsons.

This one is huge!

Others used the ink to express their distaste for the new President.

We thought this was a positive one… until we realised his hair was supposed to be poop.

Others were way more to the point.

This man doesn’t even live in America – he’s British!

Imagine carrying around a laughing Trump on your shoulder…

Trump as Superman.

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