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Aldi’s brilliant response to customer complaint

Upon the disappointing discovery of a chocolate digestive missing its chocolate an Aldi customer wrote a complaint ... and got a great response.

Complaints departments are often renowned as being fairly humorless places, but every now and then a customer service person handles a complaint with the perfect amount of irreverence and humour and they win not only customers but smiles.

When Darryl Reilly discovered one of his Aldi chocolate biscuits had no chocolate on it he wrote on the company’s Facebook page of his disappointment reported news.com

“I have a complaint that I wish to make. This morning I woke up, as I usually do and I went down stairs to make my morning cup of tea. I used two of your finest tea bags for added strength and one spoon of sugar for a small bit of sweetness (the sugar was from Tesco but sure you cant begrudge me that) and then a drop of milk (purchased in Aldi) then I went to the cupboard and whipped out a cheeky packet of your milk chocolate digestive biscuits, 3 biscuits into it my dream cuppa had been turned into a nightmare….BOOOOOM … out of the chocolate digestive packet came a chocolate digestive with no chocolate … a very plain digestive in my opinion,” he wrote.

“I could not believe my eyes, never in all my life had I been left in such a biscuit predicament. What did I do next? Well first I considered eating it, but then I decided against it because lets be honest, a plain digestive biscuit will never tantalise the tastebuds in the same way as a chocolate digestive can, I have never heard of a foodgasm caused by a plain chocolate digestive. So having ruined my morning cuppa, I do eagerly anticipate your response.”

Darryl offered evidence of this slight by including a picture of the offending biscuit. Aldi responded with a healthy dose of humor and a tongue in cheek philosophy.

“Hi Darryl, wow – busy morning. We’re sorry you were disappointed with the surprise addition in your pack of chocolate biscuits, but we wouldn’t consider it a nightmare,” Aldi said.

“The plain digestive is not something to be shunned, but celebrated. Look at it, sitting there in plain sight – confident, not having to hide away from behind its chocolate friend.

“We think ordinary things are special too. No traffic in the mornings, finding an errant £5 in your pocket, or a freshly made bed are all ordinary things, but all things, we’re sure you’ll agree, that raise a smile, not cause a frown,” Aldi said.

“But how do we move on from this Darryl? You’ll be tea-lighted to hear we are pretty easy going and never want our shoppers to be disappointed with our products, so please private message us with your contact details so we can send you a new packet (and a bag of sugar).”

And they delivered on their promise giving Darryl exactly that.

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