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7 times Hillary Clinton burned Donald Trump in her acceptance speech

Hillary Clinton took to the stage at the Democratic convention to deliver a stirring address, and to take a few shots at Republican rival Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton took to the stage at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia on Thursday to deliver a stirring address as she accepted her party’s historic Presidential nomination.

“It is with humility, determination and boundless confidence in America’s promise that I accept your nomination for President of the United States,” Clinton said to deafening applause.

And while she kept in tune with her party’s positive hopes for the future, Ms Clinton was scathing anytime she made reference to her Republican rival, Donald Trump.

Here are seven times she zinged Trump in her speech:

1 “He spoke for 70 odd minutes and I do mean odd.”

2 “It’s just not right that Donald Trump can ignore his debts, and students and families can’t refinance theirs.”

3 “He also talks a big game about putting ‘America First.’ Well, please explain to me what part of ‘America First’ leads him to make Trump ties in China, not Colorado.”

4 “Now Donald Trump says, and this is a quote, ‘I know more about ISIS than the generals do….’ No, Donald, you don’t.”

5 “Do you really think Donald Trump has the temperament to be Commander-in-Chief? Donald Trump can’t even handle the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign.”

6 “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.”

7 “At first, I admit, I couldn’t believe he meant it either. It was just too hard to fathom – that someone who wants to lead our nation could say those things, could be like that. But here’s the sad truth: There is no other Donald Trump.This is it.”

*Drops mike.

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