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Teen saves 55 orphans in Nepal

Ishwor Ghimire, 19, has been heralded as a hero after saving the lives of 55 children from his former orphanage during the deadly Nepalese earthquake.

Since the deadly earthquake that struck Nepal on April the 25th, thousands have lost their lives. The official death toll has reached over 7,500, with countless others injured and maimed in the aftermath.

But there have been some positive stories amidst the chaos. A baby girl rescued from beneath the rubble was found to be healthy, after being trapped for several days. A 101-year-old man buried in the remains of his house was freed after seven days without injury.

And most recently, the incredible story of Ishwor Ghimire, a 19-year-old student, who saved the lives of 55 orphans.

The student from Kathmandu was having lunch with the children at the Nepal Deprived Women and Children Upliftment Center when the earth began to shake.

Realising it was a major earthquake; Ghimire sprang into action, herding the some 55 orphans between the ages of four and 16 outside into a field. Personally carrying some of the younger and smaller ones, Ghimire made multiple trips back into the building, leading the children and keeping them calm during the crisis.

“All the kids were so panic[ked] and started screaming and crying,” Ghimire said in an interview with Mic, “I asked everybody to get out from the building.”

“The earth was still shaking but I was running here and there to rescue all the kids and take them to the safety place,” said Ghimire.

Their building, however, was severely damaged during the quake, and the orphans have been unable to return to it. Instead, Ghimire constructed several small tents in the field, out of plastic and wood.

“Kind [of] a tent,” he said, “But it doesn’t keep us warm.”

Image via Ishwor Ghimire’s Facebook

Ghimire’s bravery has been celebrated all over the world, but his own personal story is almost as extraordinary as his heroism.

Ishwor was orphaned himself at the age of four, and grew up in an orphanage as a mentor and ‘older brother’ to the younger children. After winning a scholarship, he attended Pulteney Grammar School in Australia, and now mentors orphans in university.

Ghimire, however, says his work isn’t done. The 19-year-old is rallying to raise funds, in order to rebuild the school and the orphanage.

“They aren’t back in the school yet because the orphanage building is cracked everywhere and is very risky and dangerous to go inside and sleep in,” said Ghimire. The children, still sheltering under plastic tents, have been subject to harsh conditions following the earthquake, including wind and rain.

Image via Ishwor Ghimire’s Facebook

Ghimire’s old school, Pulteney Grammar, has sponsored a campaign to raise money to repair the school. To donate, visit their GoFundMe page.

To donate to other appeals in Nepal, please see the following links:

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