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This little girl just discovered her shadow and she is SO not okay

Thankfully we can’t remember what it was like when we realised we all have a shadow, but we can only presume it was about as terrifying as this.
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Kiya Jacobs isn’t even two yet, but she’s already learned one of life’s harshest truths – no matter how fast you run, our shadow will always follow.

When Kiya saw her shadow for the very first time, she was understandably petrified. In fact the determined little girl was so unnerved by the dark, girl-shaped thing following her she attempted to run away from it.

The 20-second clip shows the gorgeous toddler making her way across a carpark on a sunny day when about half way in she noticed a gloomy figure following her.

The poor bub is so frightened that she trips over herself while desperately trying to escape the suspicious-looking shape.

Doting dad Mike Jacobs caught the alarming moment on camera and naturally decided to share it on social media.

Although we probably discovered our shadow in an equally hilarious way, luckily we grew up in a time where our mum and dad didn’t have an iPhone handy to capture it or a social media account share it!

If it’s any consolation Kiya, having a shadow ranks pretty low on the scale of awful real-life truths…wait until you have to make your first ever mortgage repayment – now that is truly terrifying!

See the equal parts adorable and frightening video in player above

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