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The incredibly sweet moment a little boy realises he will miss his mum on the first day of school

The first day of school is a fun and scary time. Young Andrew Macias reminded us of just that during an interview on television.
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The ridiculously cute four-year-old was chatting to Courtney Friel, a reporter from KTLA when reality suddenly sunk in.


The bubbly presenter asked Andrew if he was excited for his first day of pre-kindergarten at City Terrace Elementary School in Los Angeles this week.

Andrew responded with a confident and resounding, “Yes!” But he seemed less certain when she asked him why. “I don’t know,” he shrugged.

Things unravelled the moment Courtney asked, “Are you going to miss your mum?”

Young Andrew said “no,” but his face said something completely different.


Andrew was fine until he realised his mum wouldn’t be with him at school. We get it, kid. Mums rock!

The adorable poppet, who’ll graduate in 2028, was unable to control his emotions when he realised his mum would not be joining him for classes.

His sweet smile soon began to wobbly as he tried to laugh it off but it turned into the cutest uncontrollable sob.

Don’t worry, his mum was standing on the side and comforted her darling boy off camera. Andrew then held his chin up as he began his schooling life.


“I feel awful about that little boy, but I’m a mum,” Courtney admitted afterwards. “I have a 3- and 4-year-old, so I’m going to go through that too. It’s just part of the process, right?”

First day woes… we still get them kiddo!

Watch the super cute video in the player above.

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