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Comedy of errors: Jimmy Fallons falls and hurts his hand… Again!

Jimmy Fallon made a quick trip and injured himself during a visit to Boston.
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Not that we need another reason to fall for Fallon, but it looks like the American talk show host can’t stop being a klutz!

The 41-year-old was on a visit to Harvard University, where he was honoured by the Harvard Lampoon, the university’s humour magazine.

The Tonight Show host wrote on Instagram, “Today I will be receiving the Elmer Award from the Harvard Lampoon, tomorrow I will not. Please don’t tell them — but I’m actually honoured.”

It was there Jimmy was crowned the “Emperor of Comedy,” and received a cheque for 85 cents and a diploma that read “James (Jimmy) Kimmel” (that’s right!), according to the Harvard Crimson.

Jimmy was all smiles when he received the honour.

This is a great day for me, but it’s a greater day for the Harvard Lampoon,” he joked in his brief acceptance speech.

It was during the night’s celebrations that the father-of-two tripped and fell while holding a bottle of Jaegermeister.

The accident landed the funny man in Massachusetts General Hospital, but it looks like Jimmy is fine!

“Everything is totally fine! It was all part of the celebration in the street and some random girl kneeled down in front of him abruptly as he was turning around and he tripped over her because he didn’t see her,” a source explained to People.

Cambridge police reportedly helped Jimmy back up and he left in his limo to go to the hospital.

Later that night, he was seen in photos with his right hand in bandages.

It’s been just four months since his last hand-related injury; with the accident-prone TV personality shared a snap of his latest mishap.

“Nothing that a few band aids couldn’t fix,” Jimmy commented alongside the photo.

It looks like he’s doing just fine… The following day Jimmy shared a snap of some pumpkins he picked up in his pickup truck.

Watch the fall in the video player above

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