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“You’re in my house!” Barack Obama shuts down a heckler in the most impressive way

Here’s a lesson – never, ever heckle Barack Obama while you're in his home.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden

Barack Obama was giving an inspiring speech to celebrate LGBT pride month on Wednesday, but among the roomful of guests was a loud-mouthed heckler giving some serious lip.

Luckily, the President was not having a bar of it.

Before the leader of the free world could get into his rousing speech, he was interrupted by aggravated shouting, to which the political figure quickly responded: “No, no, no, listen, you’re in my house.”

It seemed the audience was on the President’s side as they hushed the heckler and applauded their leader.

Before the guest could be removed from the room, Obama got the last word saying, “You’re not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this…Shame on you, you shouldn’t be doing this.”

The heckler was identified as Jennicet Gutierrez, a woman who is part of an activist group called, Not One More Campaign aiming to cease deportations.

As the unwelcome house-guest was being removed she can heard yelling “stop all deportation…not one more.”

Vice President Joe Biden stood by feeling very awkward as his boss completely owned his house-guest.

Once peace was restored the President was back to his humorous self and didn’t waste any time making jokes.

“As a general rule, I am just fine with a few hecklers, but not when I am up in the house,” he explained after the crowd finished their outburst of laughter.

Before adding: “My attitude is, if you’re eating the hors d’oeuvres, you know what I’m saying? And drinking the booze? I know that’s right.”

Barack Obama, the Presented of the United States and the King of Comebacks.

See the hilariously awkward moment in the video player above

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