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What uses are the for quinces?


What is quince?


Quinces are in season at the moment so now’s the time to make the most of this unbelievably delicious fruit.

Some people draw breath at the long cooking times but if ever “good things come to he who waits” had credence, it’s with the quince.

Take one hard, yellow-green, nondescript, lumpy, acerbic fruit; just add water… and a few hours’ cooking time… and wait for the metamorphosis into an indescribably deep-pink-ruby-coloured fruit that’s slightly textured but deeply soft, a mouth-feel similar to a cooked pear.

It is believed to have originated in the Caucasus and Ancient Persia but rapidly travelled to the Mediterranean: many people believe that the quince is the “golden apple” found in the Garden of Eden.

The cooked fruit is extremely versatile: Greeks, Moroccans and Iranians all use it in traditional meat dishes-and it’s terrific with roast pork; it’s superb in jams, jellies and preserves thanks to its high pectin content; coupled with cheese, particularly brie or manchego, it makes a delicious accompaniment to a glass after-dinner of a sweet wine; and as a dessert – whether on its own or as an ingredient – the delectable possibilities are endless. Here is a great poached quinces recipe.

Pics: bauersyndication.com.au

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