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What is the best caramel for crème caramel

Question: What is the best way to make a caramel for crème caramel?

Either of the following methods will make a lovely toffee. The sugar-and-water method is easier if you’re a beginner.

Sugar-only method

Spread sugar fairly evenly over the base of a heavy-based frying pan and place over medium to high heat. Do not stir, but turn the pan gently as needed to swirl the sugar for even melting and browning until it is a rich golden-brown colour.

Sugar-and-water method

Put the amount of sugar and water specified in the recipe into a medium heavy-based saucepan; use a wooden spoon to stir constantly over high heat, without boiling, until the sugar is completely dissolved. If any grains cling to the side of the pan or the spoon, brush them down into the syrup with a wet pastry brush. Once the sugar is dissolved, stop stirring; bring syrup to the boil and boil rapidly until the mixture is a rich golden-brown colour.

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