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Tara Moss tackles Jordan with toddler in tow!

Tara Moss tackles Jordan with toddler in tow!

Jordan is a country for adventurers and romantics, perfect for author Tara Moss and her husband Berndt Sellheim. But they decided to bring along their two-year-old daughter Sapphira, and discovered an unlikely, but surprisingly perfect, holiday with a toddler.

A visit to Jordan is filled with memorable moments, flying in jeeps over the dunes of Wadi Rum where Lawrence Of Arabia was filmed, riding on camels with Bedouins through the desert, enjoying incredible spreads of delicious local cuisine and floating in the Dead Sea … it’s a country that must be experienced. And we did it with our two year old.

We’ve travelled as a family since Sapphira was three months old, but we were surprised at how welcoming Jordanians are to families and children. Family life is a strong feature in their culture so it made total sense. Nearly every cafe offered Sapphira a little treat, a cuddle or a game, and just walking through the streets in Madaba a woman placed her hand on her head and uttered a quick prayer, which our guide explained was for safety and a good life.

But despite being family friendly, there were few Parent Rooms, so some creative improvisation was definitely needed for a child in nappies. And remember sanitation standards are different in some areas – so keep hand sanitiser and bottled water handy!

Getting there

Royal Jordanian, Emirates, Etihad. There are no direct flights from Australia to Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, the main international airport in Jordan.


Visas are obtainable on arrival, but do make sure you have six months validity on your passport and carry it with you in case you encounter checkpoints or passport checks on your travels.

Best time to visit

This small country has a huge range of climates. The best time of the year to visit is March to May when spring wildflowers are in bloom, and September to November when the autumn weather is mild.

What to see

Jordan is full of places to amaze, not just visually, but also historically. Possibly the most moving and majestic archaeological site is Petra’s Siq (gorge), and while you’re there make sure you also visit the mammoth rock formation that is the Treasury, featured in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade.

One experience you cannot miss is a camel ride through Wadi Rum (Sapphira loved this – she thoughts the camels were big dogs!), and a float and mud wrap in the Dead Sea. But what surprised us most was the incredibly rich underwater world of the Red Sea where coral and fish abound.

Electricity voltage

Bring a multi-purpose adaptor as Jordan’s electricity supply is 220V, 50AC. Sockets are generally of the two-pronged European variety.


In Jordan, the local currency is the dinar. 1JOD equals about $AU1.49. While Jordan isn’t the cheapest country to travel, you can still manage it if you spend wisely.

For more, go to www.visitjordan.com

Related video: Northern Territory camel safari.

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