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Woman fakes own death to get out of bad date

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One woman has taken it to extreme measures to get out of a date she didn’t want to go on!

We’ve all been caught in a sticky situation where we’ve started dating someone and realised they’re not for us. In the case of British woman Ann Gray though she took a rather alarming approach to get out of the situation!

Sharing her story with the UK’s Mirror, Ann, 29 explained that after three dates with one guy she didn’t want to see him again and told him that it “wasn’t working for her”.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to deter him and things started to get a little creepy when he continued to text her.

According to Ann, “He continued to message me and the day came when he sent me one stating ‘I think we need to have a date tonight! I will be around your house in 30 minutes.’”

Desperate times call for desperate measures and this guys was clearly not taking no for an answer, so Ann sent him a message saying:

“I am really sorry to tell you but Anne was taken ill last night with a very serious illness, so she won’t be available for a while. Sorry about that. If and when she comes around and is feeling better, I will get her to call you.”

Unfortunately, that wasn’t much of a deterrent for this over-eager suitor, and he replied with:

“OK what ward is she on? I will come and visit her now.”

To which Ann responded:

“well they are only letting family in at the moment so I will let you know when they are allowing friends”.

The pursuit didn’t end there! The bad date replied with:

“I am outside the hospital now. Can I come in if you tell me what ward she is in?”

Eek! With things now getting rather creepy, Ann decided to give the spurned suitor some closure – the only way that would get through to him.

“I am really sorry to tell you but we lost her last night.”

While Ann said she never received a reply from that message, that wasn’t the end of it. A few months after her fake death, the rejected date reportedly came across Ann again on the dating site.

“He sent me a horrid message! Can’t say I blame him, really,” Ann said.

Thankfully all ended well for her: “I am currently engaged to be married and not dead!”

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