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What His Eye Colour Says About Him

The next time you gaze into a guy’s eyes, take note of their colour – it may give you a far deeper glimpse into his personality than you’d expect. Brown eyes are most common, followed by blue and then green. Other eye colours – like hazel, black and grey – occur due to the different ratios of colour pigments in the iris. They’re not just a cute facial feature to admire, numerous studies show eye colour is linked to personality traits. So there’s no need to wait until you’ve been dating for months to pick up that he’s a spur-of-the-moment kinda guy who’s into impromptu road trips. Peep at his peepers and read on to find out exactly what makes him tick.

Blue eyes…

Whether they’re pastel or a piercing shade of bright blue, this eye colour is associated with youthfulness and innocence. The darker the blue, the more passionate his personality, with pale blue eyes often indicating a calm nature. Studies have linked people with blue eyes to lower levels of aggression and lower levels of self-esteem.

But don’t think pale blue-eyed guys are docile – they’re also often more flirtatious and better strategic thinkers than darker-hued dudes. This could mean he’s good at sports such as golf, or other activities that require planning. Make sure he uses sun protection; a University of Colorado School of Medicine study found blue-eyed people have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. Research shows guys with blue eyes are drawn to blue-eyed girls. Other colours don’t show a preference.

Brown eyes…

According to a study conducted by Charles University in Prague, men with brown eyes are thought to be more gentle and trustworthy than those with other eye colours. The most common eye colour also inspires faith and loyalty, and is associated with self-confidence, drive and determination. So it’s perhaps no coincidence that the majority of successful and wealthy men in the world have brown eyes.

But, does your brown-eyed guy struggle to wake in the morning? His eye colour might be to blame A recent study in the journal of Chronobiology International revealed that, on average, the sleep cycles of those with darker coloured eyes are as much as two hours behind those with lighter pigmentation.

Green eyes…

This eye colour is far less common than brown and blue, so green-eyed guys are often considered to be more mysterious. In the sexy stakes, people with green eyes fare well – they’re generally seen as having an equally high energy level and libido – phwoar Green eyes can tend to indicate that a guy is highly spontaneous, imaginative (often with a very creative job) and wilful, so be prepared for him to suggest an impromptu date at a venue that seems totally random.

Related to this spontaneity is a struggle for him to be reliable – a zest for life and keenness to see and do everything can mean that getting to know this dude could be complicated but never dull. But don’t resign a relationship with a green-eyed guy to unreliability – he’s also likely to be very loyal and expressive with his feelings, due to the green-eyed inclination towards courageousness.

Hazel eyes…

This is another slightly rare eye colour, which can change between green and brown depending on the light – and, according to some, his mood. In some lights hazel eyes can even look slightly golden as the green and brown create an almost-yellow. This changeability is associated with spontaneity and fun, and the element of green found in hazel eyes is thought to show a mischievous side as well.

Due to the brown element, there is also a sense of approachability about this dude’s open personality. In addition to this amiability, hazel-eyed guys are generally sensitive and are capable of really touching empathy towards others, which is why he may work in a healing field such as medicine. Be prepared for adventure, though – hazel eyes often indicate a love of trying new things, and these guys will rarely shy away from taking on a challenge.

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