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Tuning in to your Intuition

Learn to tune in to your Intuition

One of the most common questions I receive is “How do I tune in to my intuition and cut out all the noise that stops me from hearing it?” This ‘noise’ is the product of the multitude of voices that reside within us, all fighting for our attention, all insisting they are right. They belong to our fears, old beliefs, past experiences, family, friends, society, and even science has now proven, cellular memory belonging to our parents and grandparents!

Somewhere deep among that mix is the quiet voice of our true self, our intuition, filled to the brim with wisdom yet constantly overshadowed by all that lies on top of it.

  1. Be aware that the ‘noise’ channels exist. Pay attention to any thoughts that don’t make you feel good — and train yourself to change the channel.

  2. Keep your awareness in the ‘now’ moment. This links you directly to your true self.

  3. Worrying about the past or future bends your antennae. Focus on your breath to get clear and present.

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