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The top 6 relationship killers

By Annette Campbell

Being in a committed, long-term, happy and healthy relationship doesn’t just happen. There’s a lot of work involved to attain such domestic bliss!

And while it’s important to know skills and tips for making a relationship work, we should also be aware of what will absolutely kill it.

Anne Hollonds, the CEO of Relationships Australia NSW, shares her expert insight into the issues that are recipes for relationship disaster.

  • Schedule time for each other.

  • Talk. Communicate about the things that matter and agree on goals for your future together.

  • Look out for the other’s needs, not just your own. Support each other.

  • Learn how to resolve disagreements without letting them damage your partnership. This includes negotiating on important things as well as letting some things go.

  • Have fun! “This is really important and so important for sexual intimacy too,” Anne explains. “Be playful and have fun and create the time and emotional energy for each other. To do that, you really do need to look after yourself enough to be in that ‘space’ — especially for women.”

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