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Roxy Jacenko considered divorcing Oliver Curtis as she opens up about THOSE kissing photos

As she prepares to walk down the aisle for a second time with husband Oliver Curtis, the PR maven is laying it all out.
Roxy Jacenko

Roxy Jacenko recently revealed her plans to renew her vows with convicted husband Oliver Curtis, but as the PR queen confesses their road to love was far from a fairytale.

In a tell-all interview with News.com.au, Roxy answers for the first time all the questions that have plagued her over the past year, from her decision to take her wedding band off, to those infamous photos.

When her husband was sentenced to two years behind bars for insider trading, Roxy genuinely thought her marriage had come to an end.

“I’d spoken to a lawyer about divorce, and he knew that, I’d told him,” she tells the publication, adding the she took her wedding ring off because she simply “wasn’t sure what would happen”.

Curtis, 31, was released in June on a good behaviour bond after 12 months at Cooma Correctional Centre. Though the couple’s two kids Pixie, five, and Hunter, three, were excited to see their father, Roxy felt differently.

“This person had been away, I’d had to run my own life for 12 months and I’d only really seen him three times,” she says.

“They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, in my case distance made me begin to forget.”

WATCH: Roxy opens up on Oliver’s prison experience in the video player below. Article continues…

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But Oliver wasn’t returning to pick up his marriage where it had left off. Because, as Roxy explains, their matrimony “wasn’t how a marriage should be”.

“It was a very challenging five years of marriage,” she tells.

“We were at each other’s throats, so when he went for 12 months, I set up a life for myself and the children and that was it. I thought that would be the end of it.”

In April, two months before Oliver’s release, the mother-of-two was photographed sharing a kiss with ex-boyfriend Nabil Gazal through a window of a Sydney apartment.

Though she’s since refused to talk about it, Roxy has now revealed the kiss to be nothing more than a drunken pash at a party.

“You can read a lot in to three seconds of pictures,” she says.

“We were stupid … that’s where it starts and that’s where it stops. My marriage in my eyes had come to an end … [we were] drunk and stupid and mucking around.”

She confirms that Oliver has indeed seen the snaps, but insists they have “moved forward”.

Last month, Oliver asked the breast cancer-survivor to marry him once more in a carefully-orchestrated surprise.

And judging by the estimated $450,000 Nicholas Haywood ring Roxy has been sporting since, her answer was a resounding yes.

“My life is completely different. I went from being very depressed … now, I am very focused on my work, my children are happy and I’m happy.

“The chapter is closed.”

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