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Why it’s important to keep your girlfriends

Most women say that their friendships with other women are among the most significant in their lives. Sure, your family knows you too, but with them you play a certain role, while female friends allow you to be yourself. Here are seven ways to keep existing friendships strong and develop quality new ones: 1: Run […]
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Are we an item?

Are we an item?

By Michaela Ryan Are you in a relationship no-man’s-land? You’ve been on a few dates, maybe even slept together a couple of times. But God only knows whether you’re an item or not. You talk about lots of stuff… but never what’s happening between you. No one is game enough to come out with the […]
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Before you dump him, read this…

Before you dump him, read this…

By Michaela Ryan The cracks are starting to show. He’s actually a lot more confrontational/arrogant/annoying than you thought. Time to ditch him and find a new one. Right? Actually, when the wheels fall off a relationship you may feel like it’s easier to simply look for a “better” partner, but a tune-up can often be […]
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Nag your man

Nag your man

By Michaela Ryan When women feel ill, they know the doctor’s office is the best place to be. Men know the same thing, but they’ll often suffer in silence rather than ask for help. This reluctance to visit the doctor could mean serious health risks, so if your man is going to great lengths to […]
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How to have a good marriage

Three tricks to keep your relationship happy and strong: Get gorgeous: Everyone knows a couple where one person looks trim, taut and terrific, and the other has let themselves go physically or just doesn’t pay attention to their grooming. This is dangerous territory — it’s difficult to feel attracted to someone who doesn’t seem to […]