Long-distance love in the digital age

Long-distance love in the digital age

**By Leanne Hudson The world is shrinking thanks to new technology, but as it gets smaller, more and more couples are living further apart. Can electronic gadgetry help long-distance relationships last?** Mobile phones, email, instant messaging, Facebook, Skype, SMS — the list of ways to stay in touch keeps on growing, and so does the […]
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Your best five minutes: Speed dating

Your best five minutes: Speed dating

By Glenda Kwek Your best friend met her latest squeeze through an internet dating website, and another has just got married to a bloke she met at a book club. You’re itching for a partner, but don’t like anything to do with a computer and are not a book worm. So why not try speed […]
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Photo by Getty Images

Celebrating International Friendship Day

The first Sunday of August is International Friendship Day — recognised throughout the world as a day to honour friendships and the contribution they make to our lives. School mates, colleagues, neighbours, siblings, partners — friendships come in many guises, but just how often do you show them how much you care? Officially introduced in […]
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Wedding woes: New charges for trying on wedding dresses

Wedding woes: New charges for trying on wedding dresses

As if tying the knot wasn’t expensive enough — the latest cost to be added to the ever-growing list of wedding expenses is for trying on bridal dresses, a new measure being introduced by a number of high-end designers and boutique stores across Australia. The charges, which have applied for some time in the UK […]
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Woman’s Day Facebook fan page!

Woman’s Day Facebook fan page!

Woman’s Day — Australia’s number one weekly magazine for all your celebrity gossip, lifestyle features, true life stories and more! Do you love the Day? To help mark our 60th birthday, we’ve started a fan page for online Day enthusiasts! Join our new Facebook fan page: Woman’s Day on Facebook.
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Three ways to turn a fight around

Three ways to turn a fight around

Arguments with your partner — sometimes they end in tears, sometimes they end in door slamming. But if you’re sick of the drama (sigh of relief) there is another way.
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Learn to tune in to your Intuition

Tuning in to your Intuition

One of the most common questions I receive is “How do I tune in to my intuition and cut out all the noise that stops me from hearing it?” This ‘noise’ is the product of the multitude of voices that reside within us, all fighting for our attention, all insisting they are right. They belong […]
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Dana Mrkich

Living your best life

*”It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it (were) the only one we had.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross*
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The top 6 relationship killers

The top 6 relationship killers

By Annette Campbell Being in a committed, long-term, happy and healthy relationship doesn’t just happen. There’s a lot of work involved to attain such domestic bliss! And while it’s important to know skills and tips for making a relationship work, we should also be aware of what will absolutely kill it. Anne Hollonds, the CEO […]
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