Photography by Jason Loucas

The Governor General’s love story

When Michael Bryce fell in love with a determined young woman, his life changed forever. Now she is the nation’s first female Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce, and the love story has spanned a lifetime, writes Michael Sheather Michael Bryce remembers the moment he realised Quentin was the woman he wanted to marry. “She would have […]
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If you get sick, can your finances cope?

Paying the bills might be a cinch when you’re taking home a regular pay check. But it pays to be prepared for the unexpected. It’s easy to think it’ll never happen to you. You’ll always be fit and able, capable of earning a living to pay the bills and provide for your family. But if […]
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Demi Moore, 47 with husband Ashton Kutcher, 32

Do relationships between older women and younger men work? – Mind the gap

Hollywood’s full of ’em, but can relationships between older women and younger men ever work in the ‘real’ world? Demi Moore, 47, and Ashton Kutcher, 32. Madonna, 51, and Jesus Luz, 23. Mariah Carey, 41, and Nick Cannon, 29. Sam Taylor-Wood, 43, and Aaron Johnson, 19. The list of female celebrities dating considerably younger men […]
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Study finds men lie more than women

Study finds men lie more than women

We are all bound to lie every once in a while, but new UK research has found that men lie more than women and are less likely to suffer a guilty conscience. The study, commissioned by London’s Science Museum, found the average male tells 1092 lies every year, which is roughly three times a day […]
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10 men to avoid

10 men to avoid

There are some men who might be fun for a fling, but not a serious relationship says Dr Rosie, author of Good Loving, Good Sex.
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What the doctor ordered?

Don’t focus solely on potions and pills when a loved one falls ill. There’s a different kind of medicine that’s freely available to all and just as important as any prescription. It’s hard to stand by and watch when someone gets sick. You want to help, to make the illness go away. It’s easy to […]
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Have an affair… with your husband!

Spice up your marriage with a spousal fling … Marital blip: Some relationship problems start when the passion and sense of adventure ebbs away, leaving couples with a routine and sometimes mechanical existence. “One of the most common issues facing couples is wavering desire,” says Elisabeth Shaw, a psychologist specialising in relationship issues. “This can […]
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The loss of the male libido – A troubling new trend

The loss of the male libido – A troubling new trend

Birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it. But what if you’re not doing it – because your partner’s not interested? Wanting a sexual relationship and being rejected by your partner is hurtful and humiliating for anyone, but it can be especially devastating for women, because we’re all led to believe that […]
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Declutter your home, declutter your life!

Declutter your home, declutter your life!

We’re all guilty of it — filling our homes with useless junk we don’t need or use. But a cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind, so stop putting it off – take some time to clear out your clutter. It’s a positive, empowering action that will create more time and space for a […]
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The getting the guy guide

Zoe Foster is a dating columnist and thinks she is an authority on relationships because she is always scripting text messages to guys for friends! She’s just written a book, Textbook Romance, on dating, which is witty, direct (with chapters like “Men don’t skip footy training for you”) and scarily accurate. Julie Hamilton gets her […]
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