Meryl Streep as a demanding magazine editor in The Devil Wears Prada

My Nightmare Boss

The Weekly’s Executive Editor Juliet Rieden recalls working under a boss so demanding she made Meryl Streep’s The Devil Wears Prada character look warm and friendly. Breeding the competitive spirit into a mean fighting machine was the ruling dogma at one of the most challenging workplaces I have experienced, a British newspaper office, and in […]
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Have you lost your faith in men?

Have you lost your faith in men?

Perhaps it’s just me but is anyone else losing faith in men? Is your confidence that your relationship will endure, unmarred by infidelity, for the rest of your life, rapidly diminishing? Anyone else starting to think that maybe it’s only a matter of time until it happens to you? Amid the latest reports of Arnold […]
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Should couples live together before getting married?

Should couples live together before getting married?

Long before their fairytale wedding, Prince William and Kate Middleton were happily part of the 2.7 million British couples living together in a de facto relationship. In breaking with royal tradition, William and Kate embraced the practice of ‘shacking up’ from the very start of their relationship, proving themselves just like every other young couple […]
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Men will do the dishes – in 39 years

Men will do the dishes-in 39 years

The good news is that men will one day do as much housework as women. The bad news is that day is 39 years away. An international study by academics at Oxford University in the UK found that, if men continue to pick up household chores at their current rate, they will be doing their […]
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Should we be more 'French' when it comes to sexual indiscretions?

Should we be more ‘French’ about sex?

As the sex scandal surrounding the International Monetary Fund chief rages on, Bryce Corbett questions whether the French have it right when it comes to sexual mores. The arrest in New York at the weekend of International Monetary Fund chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has caused shockwaves around the world, and once again raised the topic of […]
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A baby boomer's guide to finding love

A baby boomer’s guide to finding love

According to matchmaker Della Cory, affluent baby boomers (men and women over 55) are quickly becoming the largest population of singles in Australia. “If you’re a mature, affluent single, finding the right partner can be difficult,” Cory says. With nearly 20 years’ experience introducing people, Cory has some fascinating insights into what the former “free-loving” […]
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Why modern women can't find love

Why modern women can’t find love

Women are neglecting their ‘feminine side’, says Australia’s longest-serving matchmaker. Yvonne Allen, who started her agency in the 1970s, has told The Australian Women’s Weekly that modern women are losing the skills of attracting and keeping love. They are also too fussy, and are demanding perfection from men even though they are far from perfect […]
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Prince Harry

The rise of the ‘Prince Harry Hunters’

The day William and Kate announced their engagement a new breed of woman was born – the 'Harry Hunters', who have one goal in mind: to meet, seduce and marry William's younger brother Prince Harry.
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Should Australia allow same-sex marriages?

Should Australia allow same-sex marriages?

This weekend’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade will have a political message, rallying against the federal law that prohibits same-sex marriages. With gay marriage high on the national agenda, Mardi Gras isn’t missing the chance to tap into the debate, featuring an estimated 15 floats dedicated to the issue. “We are planning something huge […]
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Man invents wristband to warn of wife's PMT

Man invents wristband to warn of wife’s PMT

He hasn’t got a working prototype yet, but a UK man has invented a wristband that would theoretically change colour when his wife is suffering from pre-menstrual tension (PMT). Karl Dorn, 43, a plasterer from Essex, has called the device “Help for Husbands”. He said it would work, in theory, by monitoring the body temperature […]
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