Dating after death: How I knew I was ready

Dating after death: How I knew I was ready

I was 39 years old when my husband died unexpectedly in his sleep. It was the shock of a lifetime. He was my love, my rock, a crucial part of my life and our children’s future, and in an instant, he was gone. A few weeks after his death, I received a letter from my […]
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Marriage can be good for the heart, but bad for the waistline

Marriage can be good for the heart, but bad for the waistline

When it comes to a healthy heart, a happy marriage may be the key but when it comes to keeping weight off marriage doesn’t necessarily help, according to two separate studies. The results of both studies relied heavily on gender. The first study by the University of Rochester found that happily wedded people who undergo […]
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Relationship conflict does not change throughout marriage says study

Relationship conflict does not change throughout marriage says study

How much do you fight with your spouse? Do you fight like cats and dogs or are your arguments limited to a few small tiffs? Either way, a new study has found that the current level of conflict probably won’t change throughout the relationship and heavily impacts on overall happiness. The US study found that […]
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Manners in the new digital era

Manners in the new digital era

Twittering and texting are taking over our social lives. So what are the rules – and pitfalls – of this new digital era? June Dally-Watkins has been the high priestess of Australian etiquette and deportment for 50 years and, quite frankly, she’s appalled by the state of things. Sick of being knocked in the street […]
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Nice guys finish last, but women aren't in the race

Nice guys finish last, but women aren’t in the race

The old saying “nice guys finish last” may still ring true when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder, but new research has found nice guys still finish ahead of women. A US study has found that men with disagreeable personalities out-earn men with agreeable personalities by about 18 percent where disagreeable women, on the […]
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Seven secrets to a sizzling sex life

Heat up your sex life this winter

Has it been weeks since your partner saw you in anything other than your warmest winter woollies? Anna Warwick asks dating expert Della Cory for her tips for spicing up a wintery romance. Date night: An oldie but a goodie. It’s tempting to flop on the couch and go to bed early, but if you […]
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Get some standards, dating guru tells Australian women

Why fussy women are more likely to find love

Australians need to be pickier if they want to find true love, a dating guru has warned. They need to decide what they want, what their deal breakers are and be less random and reliant on chance when it comes to finding a partner, says John Aiken, the best-selling relationship adviser to a top online […]
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Does your partner do their fair share of the housework?

Does your partner do their fair share of the housework?

A study in the UK suggests men are catching up with women in their devotion to domestic duties, but it only takes a bit of digging to uncover that blokes still have a long way to go before they are doing their fair share of chores. Numbers from the Office for National Statistics indicate men […]
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Tackling post-natal depression together

Tackling post-natal depression together

Women are terrific at sharing their fears, hopes, failures and successes with our girlfriends, sisters and mums. We pour our hearts out to those we trust, in a way that men can barely fathom. It is a wonderful way to cope with life’s inevitable ups and downs. But one area we still consider off-limits is […]
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How to rut-proof your relationship

How to rut-proof your relationship

Have you noticed time alone with your husband now consists of discussing nappy changing rosters, or your boyfriend has bought you household appliances for the fifth birthday running? There’s an old adage that if a relationship isn’t growing, at best it’s stagnant and at worse it’s dying. Once you’re comfortable in a relationship it’s easy […]
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