Men don’t think about sex as much as we think: study

Men don’t think about sex as much as we think: study

It’s true that men think about sex more than woman, but exactly how much more is not as great as we think. A new US study found that the median number of young men who took part thought about sex almost 19 times per day. This discredits the cliche that men think about sex every […]
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Woman scared and hiding from her partner's domestic abuse

Domestic abuse in Australia: The facts

Can you imagine a world where women sit frightened and alone, too scared to move? A world where a simple trip to the shops could mean another broken bone? A world where the threat of violence is an everyday occurrence? Sadly, many women don’t have to imagine it. They live it. According to UNICEF, domestic […]
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Women fake orgasms to keep their man: study

Women fake orgasms to keep their man: study

Women who are unsure whether their man is faithful are more likely to fake orgasms and engage in “mate-guarding” behaviours in an effort to hold on to their man, a new US study has found. The research, conducted at the HIV Centre for Clinical and Behavioural Studies at Columbia University, is the first to find […]
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Catholics are more likely to cheat study finds

Catholics are more likely to cheat study finds

A British survey has found that Catholics are the most adulterous religious group in the UK. The research showed that 21.5 percent of the 600,000 members on an extra-marital dating site were Catholic — a high figure for the UK as Catholics make up just 10 percent of the population. The research found that Church […]
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Sexy seniors are happier

Sexy seniors are happier, study shows

The secret to happiness past your 65th birthday has been revealed — sex, and lots of it. New research conducted by Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University found that the more often married individuals have sex, the more likely they are to be happy. Assistant professor Adrienne Jackson analysed data from the 2004 General Social Surveys, […]
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Free your mind

All in the mind?

Many people grow up with a label they acquired in early childhood and by adulthood it’s become a self-fulfilling prophecy. How often are you referred to as “The Quiet One”, “The Shy One” or “The Worrier” before you believe that is who you are and behave accordingly? Parents and teachers sometimes sum up an entire […]
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How to get killer confidence

How to get killer confidence

Job interviews, first dates and public speaking are enough to reduce even the most confident people to a quivering bundle of nerves. Here, psychologist and fear specialist Anthony Gunn tells you how to overcome your anxiety and excel in whatever you’re doing. “When it comes to stepping out of a social comfort zone, see your […]
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Dealing with difficult friends

Dealing with difficult friends

Do you have a friend or relative who constantly offers ‘helpful’ criticism and invades your emotional or physical space? Pamela Allardice shows you how to set boundaries. 1. Focus on you By interfering and interrupting, a boundary-pusher is keeping all the attention trained on them. When it seems your needs are less important than the […]
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So happy for you - not

So happy for you – not

More than any other emotion, jealousy can seriously undermine your sanity, as you obsess over a person’s every gesture, seeing them all as ‘proof’ that they are doing you wrong. While having a partner who is actually unfaithful is one of the most painful experiences you can have, it is also true that jealousy without […]
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How to read his moods

How to read his moods

If you’re losing your mind trying to figure out what’s going on in his head, our guide to male moods will save your sanity! Does your partner’s mind sometimes seem as hard to read as ancient hieroglyphs? Before you let your imagination wander into scenarios involving his younger secretary, we asked David Cutler, manager of […]
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