Getty Images

Finding balance in the bedroom

You and your partner love each other and want to have sex. But what if you’re on different pages when it comes to when and how often? Libido. It’s a fickle thing. If we believe everything we read, men do nothing but think about sex while women use headaches and hair-washing to get out of […]
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Double dates the secret to a happy marriage

Are double dates the secret to a happy marriage?

Want to know the secret to Beyoncé and Gwyneth’s happy marriages? Apparently the answer is as simple as double dating. Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z regularly spend time with Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin — and a new study suggests their marriages are happier as a result. Psychologists from the University of Maryland surveyed […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Five tips for getting over a break-up

Breaking up is hard to do: Pamela Allardice shares five ideas for getting through the dark times and finding a way forward. 1. Let it out Disappointment and anger will fester if you keep them cooped up. Go for a run, chop wood, learn boxing, scream, or kick a cardboard box to pieces. These emotions […]
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Unwed couples 'happier' than married ones

Unwed couples ‘happier’ than married ones

After decades of claims they were ‘living in sin’ unwed couples might finally have the last laugh, with a new study finding unmarried partners are happier than their married counterparts. The research — published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that cohabiting couples experience greater levels of happiness and self-esteem than married couples. […]
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Cheating men spend more on their mistress than their wife

Cheating men spend more on their mistress than wife

It seems Christmas shopping for some men has become a little more expensive this year, with a new study finding that cheating men spend more money on their mistress than their wife. The statistics taken from 2,000 men who use the Illicit Encounters website, an extra marital affairs dating service in the UK, found that […]
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Bah humbug! Rich people really ARE less compassionate

Bah humbug! Rich people really ARE less compassionate

Penny-pinching millionaire Ebenezer Scrooge is famous for his mean, miserly behaviour — now new research has suggested that rich people really are less compassionate than their poorer counterparts. A study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that poorer people were better at recognising signals of distress in others because they had been […]
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Seniors need friends and family less as they age

Do seniors need friends and family less as they age?

The older we get, the less we need our friends and family to be happy, new research has claimed. The latest Gallup analysis found that US citizens require less and less social time as they age. People over the age of 65 require just three hours of socialising a day to maintain a happy outlook, […]
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Men spend more on Christmas gifts than women

Are men spending more on Christmas gifts than women?

Women are said to be the fairer sex, but when it comes to Christmas presents they spend an average of 50 percent less on their partner than he spends on them. A British survey has found that women were planning to spend a maximum of $175 on their husband or boyfriend, while men were anticipating […]
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Workers would prefer cash to Christmas party

Cash or Christmas party?

Employers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on staff Christmas parties every year, but most employees would prefer cash. A survey of employees in the US found that 72 percent of workers would prefer a cash bonus to any other sort of Christmas perk. A pay rise was the next most popular Christmas gift (62 […]
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Creative people more likely to cheat

Are creative people more likely to cheat?

Creative people are less honest than those with less active imaginations, a new study has claimed. Research published by the American Psychological Association found that creative-minded people were far more likely to cheat and behave unethically, possibly because their greater imagination allowed them to rationalise their actions. “Greater creativity helps individuals solve difficult tasks across […]
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