My Christmas carol nightmare

My Christmas carol nightmare

It would be almost impossible to besmirch the festive, tinkling beauty of Martin Place in Sydney on Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree towering over tinselled decorations, parents and children smiling with excitement. Almost impossible. At nine years old, my sister Shelley and I gave it a red hot go. We’d always loved Christmas carols in […]
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Good marriage and a puppy the secret to a happy life

Could a good marriage and a puppy be the secret to a happy life?

They say happy wife, happy life but a new study has proven there is another crucial element to long-lasting happiness: a puppy. A major study run over 72 years has found that a good marriage, close family and owning a pet dog are the key to a happy life. The Grant Study observed 268 men […]
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Top 10 most romantic proposals

Top 10 most romantic proposals

Most women dream of that magical day when their partner gets down on bended knee. Yes, they want the story to tell their grandchildren but above all they want romance and effort. These 10 men have taken note, read a few chick-lit books and certainly got their creative hats on. Check out our round up […]
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Men are better at multitasking than women, study finds

Men are better at multitasking than women

It is a truth universally acknowledged that men can’t do more than one thing at a time — but a new study has challenged this long held belief, proving men are actually better at multitasking than women. The controversial research — which will be published in prestigious US journal Psychological Science — claims that hormones […]
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Can looking your age kill your career?

Can looking your age kill your career?

As if it wasn’t enough to have to compete with young corporate-ladder-climbers, as much as they think legitimate ageism is rife in the workplace, a study has revealed that females think just looking over 40 can kill a woman’s career. The survey found most women believed if they didn’t reach the boardroom by the time […]
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How flirting can help you get ahead

How flirting can help you get ahead

Women may be filling seats in university lecture theatres and beating men to top jobs more than ever before, but scientists say the best way for a woman to get ahead is to employ her “feminine charm”. A US study suggests flirtation is an effective negotiation strategy for women when negotiating with men, rather than […]
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Couples reunited: Can a relationship be revived after divorce?

Couples reunited: Can a relationship be revived after divorce?

It has hardly been a year since Maria Shriver filed for divorce against Arnold Schwarzenegger following the discovery of his affair with the family maid and a resulting secret love child. But Arnie is convinced he can win his “fantastic” wife back. It may sound crazy, even to the estranged wife with whom he has […]
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Older women have more one night stands

Older women have more one night stands

The “Sex and the City” generation constantly has the finger pointed at them for glamorising promiscuity, and women are having sex younger than ever, but it’s over 50s who are most likely to have a one night stand. A recent survey of 3300 Australians by dating website RSVP found that while two to four dates […]
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How having an affair could save your marriage

How having an affair could save your marriage

Infidelity ends thousands of marriages every year, but a new book is suggesting cheating could help couples stay together. It is an opinion sure to prove controversial, but bestselling British author Catherine Hakim has written a self-help book explaining how having an affair could make your relationship stronger. An excerpt from the paperback — entitled […]
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Anti-cheating wedding ring goes on sale

Anti-cheating wedding ring goes on sale

A US company has released an anti-cheating wedding ring that brands wearers with the words “I’m married” even after they take it off. The titanium band — on sale for $550 at — is reverse-engraved so that when the ring is removed, the words are impressed onto the skin … for a short time […]
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