Are we il-cliterate?

Are we il-cliterate?

Artist Sophia Wallace tackles society's “Cliteracy” problem with one very important project.
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Tips for safe sex over 50

Tips for safe sex over 50

New research suggests women over 50 avoid negotiating condom use with new partners because they fear it will end in rejection but Professor Kerryn Phelps says safe sex is crucial for older women.
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Katherine Heigl was a bridesmaid and never a bride in the 2008 rom-com 27 Dresses.

The world record for bridal bouquet tosses is being challenged

Putting aside what you might think about the fairly archaic tradition of the bridal bouquet toss at weddings (women, fight it out for your turn to participate in society’s highest honour for ladies!) you have to respect Utah woman Jamie Jackson, otherwise known as "the bouquet slayer".
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