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Man asks for tips to divorce pregnant wife

An unhappy husband has received relationship advice from around the world after he asked for advice about how to divorce his pregnant wife.

An unhappy husband has received relationship advice from around the world after he asked for advice about how to divorce his pregnant wife.

The man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, posted about his plight on Reddit, detailing his marriage woes and asking for help.

“I am a 28-year-old male, my wife is 27 years old,” he wrote. “We’ve been married for two years, she is currently between six and seven months pregnant.

“As of now, I can safely say that marrying her was the worst decision of my life. I do not like my life, I do not enjoy my life, I hate my life and I think I hate my wife. She has made my life miserable in unimaginable ways.”

He says they were happy before they tied the knot, but things started going badly once they were married and went swiftly downhill when she found out she was pregnant.

“My wife has become an intolerable person,” he says. “She shouts, she throws a fit over the smallest thing. If one thing is out of place, if I am slightly late on washing the dishes, or if a single dish is not properly cleaned, she will raise hell on me.

“I consider this to be very severe physical, emotional and mental abuse, I feel as if she has drained all happiness and joy out of me.

“Honestly, I have become fearful of her.”

The man says he understands “pregnancy hormones” and “depression” but doesn’t think his marriage is salvageable and just wants out.

“I have no idea how to approach it. I’m scared of her. If I tell her frankly what I’m feeling, that I want to end this marriage and I want a divorce, how will she react? What if she throws something at me again? What if she attacks me again, tries to hurt me or hurt herself?

“She is carrying an unborn child, what if she tries to hurt the child? I have no idea what will become of our child, its future already compromised before it’s even born. I’m scared, I’m frustrated. I feel no love towards this woman at all, only fear and loathing. I want to get out as soon as I can, cut my losses whatever they may be.”

The tale touched a chord among readers, quickly attracting more than 500 comments from around the world before comments were shut down.

Surprisingly, responders were split down the middle, with one half supporting his quest to escape his “abusive” situation and the other half deploring his lack of sensitivity for a pregnant woman’s emotions.

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