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Kevin Cotter gets back at his ex-wife, publishes hilarious ways to reuse her wedding dress!

When Kevin Cotter’s wife of 12 years walked out in 2009, he was understandably heartbroken!

When Kevin Cotter’s wife of 12 years walked out in 2009, he was understandably heartbroken!

When Kevin Cotter’s wife of 12 years walked out in 2009, he was understandably heartbroken!

But what the 41-year-old did to get back at the mother of his two children will leave you in stitches.

After more than a decade of wedded bliss, Kevin asked his then-wife if she wanted to take her wedding dress with her when she packed up and left, but she told him to do “whatever the f***” he liked with it.

So, he did just that!

Proving that there’s nothing more satisfying than airing your ex’s dirty laundry in public, for the past four years Kevin has been busy making the best of a bad situation and putting the silk gown to better use.

And as a result, he has created the ultimate breakup album full of weird and clever ways to do so.

From turning it into a hammock to a superhero’s cape, Kevin has documented it all in his book called ‘101 Uses for My Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress.’

“The idea came up when I was having dinner with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law a little while after my ex moved out,” Kevin revealed.

“At dinner I explained to my family that she left the dress and asked them what I thought was a serious question – what do I do with it?

“My brother suggested I wipe my a** with it and my sister-in-law said there were probably 101 uses so we immediately took out a pen and paper and started brainstorming ideas.”

With the help of his brother, he turned the dress into a dog toy, skipping rope and a footrest.

Unsurprisingly, his exploits haven’t gone down well with his former lady love, who has even said she hopes he seeks counselling to deal with his anger and resentment.

“My wife hates it and thinks I am motivated by revenge – which isn’t the case at al,” Kevin said.

“This honestly doesn’t have anything to do with her.

“I did it for myself because I thought it would be fun and wanted to answer the question – what can be done with a once worn wedding dress?”

Kevin has since re-married and is said to be happy.

For the past four years Kevin has been busy making the best of a bad situation and putting his ex-wife’s wedding dress to better use, like polishing his golf clubs for example.

He also found out the silk gown could also double as winter hunting camouflage.

Not to mention the fact that it makes for the perfect art canvas.

Kevin turned his ex-wife’s wedding dress into a creative piece of art which he proudly hung in his living room.

He also used it as Christmas tree skirt and to go sliding in the snow.

The 41-year-old cleans his boots with his ex-wife’s dress.

From turning it into a hammock to a superhero’s cape, Kevin has documented it all in his book called ‘101 Uses for My Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress.’

He even tried to wash his car with it but realised it works better as a car rag.

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