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Is this the most brutal break up ever?

We think so...

Breaking up with a significant other can be tough.

But in the age of the smart phone, are break ups becoming more brutal than ever?

A young lad in the UK has found himself in the spotlight this week after his epic break up text message exchange was shared on twitter by his big sister Annie.

In the text messages, Liam tells his former girlfriend that he ‘cba with a relationship’ before asking his ex one cold hearted question. Cba is ‘can’t be assed’.

This is how the exchange went down.

Loz: Why was you speaking to Jess today? xxxxxxx

Liam: Cos she’s me mate

Loz: Do you fancy her more than me? xxxxxxxx

Liam: She’s fit like xx

Loz: Does tha mean yeah?Xxxxxxxxxx

Liam: Dunno cba with a relationship though xx

Loz: Do you not want to be with me anymore? Xxxxxxxxxx

Liam: Nah not really sorry xx

Loz: Really Liam why didn’t you say this before? xxxxxxxxx

Liam: Couldn’t be assed with the hassle tbh xx

Loz: Crying face emoji x3 xxxxxxxxxx

Liam: Sorry x

Loz: It’s fine I’ll be okay xxxxxxxx

Liam: Have you got Jess number? X

Liam’s big sister Annie, shared screenshots of the brutal conversation on Twitter and they have been shared thousands of times.

Really Liam, that’s not the way to do it.

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