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Couples can now get divorced online

Couples can now get divorced online

The internet has been helping people find love for years — now it’s assisting them when things go sour, allowing them to organise their divorce online.

A new software program called Wevorce has launched in the US this week, allowing couples to negotiate the terms of their divorce settlement on the internet.

Instead of paying for two attorneys and sitting through endless official meetings couples can log on and use the program’s six-step process to create their own customised divorce contract remotely.

From custody of children and visitation schedules to division of assets, the entire settlement can be agreed under the supervision of a single mediator for the flat rate of $7500, nearly $20,000 less than the average US divorce cost of $27,000.

Once the divorce terms have been agreed, Wevorce arranges lawyers to present the documents to the relevant court, meaning applicants don’t have to attend any hearings.

“Unlike the traditional two-attorney system, with Wevorce both spouses are guided by a single attorney-mediator known as a Legal Architect,” the Wevorce website reads.

“When needed, you will be joined by co-parenting and financial experts to help untangle even your biggest challenges. These experts work together seamlessly, with the help of technology, to provide the support you need at every step.

“When the process is complete, you’ll have all the necessary legal documents as well as a lifetime of tools, knowledge and agreements — plus the assurance of a local attorney to review the final documents with you.”

Wevorce is sure to be criticised for making divorce too easy, but the new company insists it is not encouraging people to get divorced, just making it easier and more harmonious when they do.

“We’re not pro-divorce; we’re pro-family, pro-relationships, pro-children,” the website says.

“Every 13 seconds someone in the US gets divorced. Still, our society stigmatises, chastises and outright tries to pretend divorce doesn’t exist. Wevorce is changing all that.

“What we’ve done is look at this very common life experience with fresh eyes. Unlike the adversarial approach, we’ve created services around the unique needs of families, not attorneys and courts.”

Currently, the software is only available in the US but if it is popular, it could be expanded internationally. It can also be used by couples who are not married but want to divide their assets amicably when they split.

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