Ahhh, a bromance: the complicated love and affection shared by two straight men.
That said, sometimes, aforementioned bromance between your partner and his for-life friend can actually feel a little more complicated for you than it is for them (especially when “just one beer” turns into an up-all-night boozy D&M and one headache of a clean-up the next day).
But despite the countless times your partner’s shenanigans with his best mate may or may not have wound you up (!!!), celebrity relationship expert for The Bachelor, Samantha Jayne, believes a bromance can actually do amazing things for your relationship.
This is why…
His affection levels wills sky-rocket (AKA spooning for days)
Yes, it’s true – because science says so.
“A bromance promotes the release of oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, in your man, which means, ladies, he will naturally want to be more affectionate towards you,” Samantha Jayne explains.
“A study was conducted in 2012, published in the journal of Biological Psychiatry and it was found that fathers who were administered a nasal spray containing oxytocin bonded more closely with their babies than the men who were given the placebo.”

His big heart will grow even bigger
Fact: an all-encompassing (albeit, sometimes frustrating) bromance can help increase your partner’s generosity.
“According to the Center of Human Movement Sciences in The Netherlands, men who were administered oxytocin were also found to be 80 per cent more generous than those who weren’t,” says Samantha Jayne.

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon: true bromantics.
His libido may even hit an all-time high
Cortisol, also known as the ‘stress’ hormone, will not only bring down one’s immunity and possibly increase abdominal fat, but it can be a real mood-killer, too.
As Samantha Jayne tells us, “a man with less cortisol levels has a flow-on effect; when he feels relaxed and in charge, it’ll lift his libido.”

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill take the term ‘bromance’ to a whole new level…
His friendship will give you more time to do the things you love (read: Friday night wines with your friends)
Sure, couch cuddle-ups and Sunday morning sleep-ins with your S/O are, in one word, delightful, but spending time with your friends works wonders for strengthening your relationship.
“A bromance gives you the opportunity for you time and to connect with your friends,” says Samantha Jayne. “Both of you having time on your own helps add interest to your relationship and give you something else to talk about.”
Want to see a (hilarious) bromance in full-swing? Check out Keeping Up With The Joneses, which is new to buy or rent on Blu-ray, DVD or Digital.