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Are double dates the secret to a happy marriage?

Double dates the secret to a happy marriage

Beyonce Knowles and Gwyneth Paltrow are known to double date frequently.

Want to know the secret to Beyoncé and Gwyneth’s happy marriages? Apparently the answer is as simple as double dating.

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z regularly spend time with Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin — and a new study suggests their marriages are happier as a result.

Psychologists from the University of Maryland surveyed 123 married people and 58 divorcees.

They found that those who regularly ‘double dated’ with another couple were much happier, more physically attracted to their spouse and far less likely to break up.

“Couples with couple friends seem to have happier relationships,” study leader Professor Geoffrey Greif said.

“With a great couple friendship, you get to see your partner at their best, having a good time and that makes them more attractive. They are having fun, interacting in a loving and supportive way with another couple as well as with the partner.

“Having close couple friends is often a reflection of a longer and happier marriage.”

The study also found that double dating led to greater understanding between partners as observing how other couples behave makes people reflect on how they treat their own partner.

“We watch other couples,” he said. “How do they deal with their children? Does he open the car door for her? Is she supportive of him? Do they hold hands?

“Those behaviours are teachable moments for a couple. If you admire your friends, you can learn from their relationship.”

The research is published as part of the bookTwo Plus Two: Couples and Their Couple Friendships.

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