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A quarter of women over 35 ‘never’ have sex

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More than one in four women over the age of 35 claim “never” to have sex, according to a new survey of Britons.

Across the British Isles, a staggering 28 percent of women said they never make love, with the figure rising to 38 percent in Scotland, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

The survey, conducted for UK TV channel Sky Real Lives, also had depressing news for mums and wannabe mums. Among those having sex, women without children reported having the most orgasms, 41 percent said they orgasm most of the time, while only 12 percent of women with one child reported the same.

There was more bad news for women who work, with only 55 percent of those in full-time employment reporting frequent orgasms, compared with 67 percent for those working part-time.

The survey of 745 women also found that 35 percent of women aged 35 to 44 admitted having feelings of violence towards themselves or someone else during their period.

When questioned about their feelings about the menopause, 28 percent of the over-35s said they feared losing their memories while 26 percent worried about losing their sex drive.

”Women’s health has never been such a hot topic,” said Barbara Gibbon, head of Sky Real Lives.

”The survey results indicate that there are issues that are just not being talked about and women are suffering in silence — PMS [premenstrual syndrome] and its mental impact being just one case in point.”

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