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Three generations bouncing, don't miss out, strengthen your pelvic floor

Strengthen your pelvic floor

The key to a good sex life, plus proper bowel and bladder function, is a healthy pelvic floor. Here’s how to keep this essential part of your body strong…
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Your mid-year stars July - December 2024

Your Mid-Year Horoscopes July – December 2024

Take 5's award-winning astrologer Yasmin Boland, forecasts the second half of the year for every star sign. Keep an eye on your Power Dates, plus when Mercury will be in retrograde and you can take extra care with communication!
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Nicki MInaj Met Gala

11 Celebrities Who’ve Talked About Abstaining From Sex

It always seems like everyone’s or at least doing it more than you, but that’s not the case! People choose to be celibate for a bunch of different reasons, including celebrities. Here’s what stars have said about abstaining from sex, whether they are or just choosing to go without doing the deed for a period […]
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sex toy jewellery

This Sex Toy Jewellery Line Is Actually Pretty

We like to think that are no longer a taboo, but it’s fair enough if ladies want to keep out of sight from family and friends ‘because their little silicone friend is for them and their. However, there is now a way to parade your about without a judgement stare in sight. Rather than hiding […]
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Mile High Club

13 Celebrity Mile High Club Stories

No wonder so many celebrities have joined the their are often very different to ours. Not that being stopped this lot from getting it on in transit. So here are 13, frankly ludicrous celebrity plane.
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25 stages of being with a man with a huge penis

25 stages of being with a man with a huge penis

1. Seeing it for the first time and being like “f*ck no.” 2. But seriously… Dayum. 3. Being weirded out that your already little hands look infinitely smaller right now. 4. Two words: Lock jaw. 5. What if he breaks me? Like actually breaks me. Like it’s handsome, sure. But in a ‘cervix assasin’ sort […]
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Sexual Health 101 How To Properly Tone Your Vagina

When it comes to we want to know anything and everything. When it comes to fitness, we tend to shy away and avoid it at all costs – instead choosing to and whack on four hours of Netflix. We know that there is an element of fitness involved in sex but we thought that mainly […]
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When You Can’t Get Over His Ex

OK, in an ideal situation, your boyfriend would give you a brief summary about his split with a dull, non-threatening ex-girlfriend who’s moved to a faraway country, taking his emotional baggage along with her. You could then forget all about her and get on with your life with Mr Perfect. But in reality, we’re often […]
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Emma Watson

12 Times Celebrities Talked Openly About Masturbation

It’s not often that celebs are asked about and at least not female ones, and the guys tend to just joke anyway but there are more than a few famous women who have spoken out about learning to love themselves emotionally and physically. Here are 12 stars who haven’t shied away from.
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Sex Positions You Won’t Orgasm In

5 Sex Positions You Probably Won’T Orgasm In

There are literally hundreds of you can try out with your partner, with a whole bunch of them being a sure fire way to. But, unfortunately, some moves in the bedroom will fail miserably to. That’s why we’ve put together a not-to-do-list if you are keen to come. Sure, have a play with these during […]
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Study: Hot Women Who Marry Less Attractive Men Have Happier Relationships

Study: Hot Women Who Marry Less Attractive Men Have Happier Relationships

In a win for aesthetically challenged men everywhere, a new study has found that the women who are most happy in their relationships are the women who marry men perceived to be less attractive than they are. The findings, published in the journal Body Image, came from researchers at Florida State University and Southern Methodist […]
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The Women Who Want To Steal Your Guy

Tall, dark and handsome used to be the classic requirements for a desirable man. But these days, the list has expanded to tall, dark, handsome – and taken. According to new US research, “mate poaching” – in which single women prey on other people’s partners – is very common, with women shown to be significantly […]
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Tara Tries…A Nudist Retreat

Summer has arrived. The season of hot sticky days and long frisky nights. It’s my favorite time of year so I thought why not celebrate the return of the sun in style…naked. Just one hour out of Sydney is Australia’s largest “clothing optional” holiday park. Need a weekend away but hate the stress of packing? […]
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Why Is He Confiding In Her, Not You?

What’s really going on with your man and the woman he “shares” with… Annalise, 25, was surprised and upset when she realised her boyfriend, Ryan, had confided in a female work colleague about a fight they’d had. Not only did it make her jealous that he would open up to this woman emotionally, it also […]
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Forget Fifty Shades, I Was Tied Up By A Real Life Bdsm Master

Forget Fifty Shades, I Was Tied Up By A Real Life Bdsm Master

When people hear the term some conjure up fantasies of being tied to a bed, handcuffed and whipped, while others think leather, gimp masks and a brutal dominatrix. But what is it really like to have a master and slave in the bedroom? In the name of investigative journalism, I asked a Master to explain […]
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How To Say “I Love You” Without Saying Anything

Being the first one to say “I love you” is risky business. Obviously, there’s the fear the sentiment won’t be returned, but it’s also scary even if you know the response will be, “Oh my God, I love you, too.” So if you’re not quite feeling ready to take the plunge, here are ten ways […]
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Why he Can’t Get It Up…

Right about now is where I should add a caveat that I’ve never had a problem. But that would be dishonest. It has happened to me on occasion, and I’ve had a rich and varied sex life. Most guys won’t admit to erectile dysfunction (ED) because, well, we just don’t like talking about it. Ever. […]
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69 Crazy-Hot Sex Facts

Your breasts can swell up to 25 per cent when you’re aroused, making them super sensitive. It’s possible for a guy to orgasm and not ejaculate. So if you don’t see any, uh, evidence, that doesn’t mean he’s faking it. The average speed of a guy’s ejaculation is 45km/h. Wow. Nerve endings in the clitoris […]
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Can You Ever Flip A Player?

When Kanye West wants to settle down and put a ring on Kim K’s finger, and John Mayer is happy to give up his womanising ways to please Katy Perry, it’s time to ask: is it possible to turn a womaniser into a committed boyfriend and, eventually, a dedicated husband? Experts say yes… and no. […]
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sex challenge

I Attempted Reddit’S 30 Day Sex Challenge And It Was H-A-R-D

When my colleague looked over at me one dark October afternoon and said, “I’ve found a month-long challenge, I think you should do it,” my instant reply was, “Absolutely not, pal.” Considering is literally my job (well, no… that’s not entirely true. Writing about sex is, but actually doing it obviously comes with the territory), […]
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7 Common Questions About Female Masturbation Answered

7 Common Questions About Female Masturbation Answered

Masturbation as we all already know is so good for you in so many ways. It literally at the same time, like with anything, if you’re doing it too much it may mean something is going on with you. The point is, the best thing we can do to normalise is to keep on talking […]
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What Makes Men Irresistible?

Okay, so obviously a man with a body like Daniel Craig (hello, chiselled abs and perfect biceps) is going to catch a woman’s attention – we’re only human But it’s not just all about looks. We’re paying homage to the ten traits that are guaranteed to make a man irresistible to women.
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How to watch porn together

How To Watch Porn Together

When Shanon, 26, first watched a porn flick with her boyfriend, it was super awkward. “I laughed” she says. “It was like watching Funniest Home Videos, and not a turn-on at all.” Shanon’s experience is common, with women often finding sexy movies intimidating, boring or plain worthy. But there are pros to porn – especially […]
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So He Just Said “I Love You”

Underneath all the burps, stubble and beer-swilling, guys can be total sweethearts. From using fridge magnets to blurting it out in a pub, these stories will make you melt. I first said ‘I love you’ to my girlfriend as we were falling asleep, but she didn’t answer. I was worried she hadn’t heard me, so […]
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Countries that don't allow gay marriage

Surprising Countries That Still Haven’t Legalised Same-Sex Marriage

Yesterday was the brilliant, if not slightly delayed, announcement that FINALLY Australia has legalised same-sex marriage. It may have taken years of inequality, a fuck tonne of campaigning on both sides, marches, rallies, pleas, debates and then a nationwide postal survey so everyone in the country had their chance to have their say on the […]
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11 Women Share Their Weirdest Sexual Experience And Just, Wow

11 Women Share Their Weirdest Sexual Experience And Just, Wow

While we are by no means in the business of shaming people for their sexual desires and turn ons (sex positivity, people), you can understand why these 11 women may have been a little freaked out if what happened to them wasn’t discussed (and consented to) beforehand… 1. “Sheep were watching” “Got dry humped by […]
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Seal It With A Kiss

Kissing is an art form. There are good kissers, passionate kissers and just plain woeful kissers. But it turns out that locking lips with someone can teach you way more than whether your guy needs breath freshener or not – it can also help you to discover if you’re right for each other. Research by […]
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The 12 Relationship Red Flags

It’s easy to be blind-sighted when you’re in a new relationship, and we’ve all been guilty of sugar-coating deal breakers as “quirks” or “traits”. Here’s a list of the top 12 relationship red flags that you need to look out for.
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How To Dirty Talk: Tips From A Porn Star

How To Dirty Talk 101 Hardcore Tips From A Porn Star

We feel, can be split into three very prominent categories: Really fucking hot, really fucking funny or really fucking awkward. When you’re kick starting a or find yourself wanting to bring some to the bedroom, you may find yourself wishing there was some kind of Oxford Dictionary of Dirty Talk to help you get going. […]
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What His Eye Colour Says About Him

The next time you gaze into a guy’s eyes, take note of their colour – it may give you a far deeper glimpse into his personality than you’d expect. Brown eyes are most common, followed by blue and then green. Other eye colours – like hazel, black and grey – occur due to the different […]
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