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Up to no good!

“It wasn’t me … honest!”

Here is our little angel shredding the toilet paper.

— Sennhon

This is my dog and cat trying to get into the bathroom on a joint effort.

— Ash

Featured here are mother and daughter, Lottie (8) and Rosie (6) doing what they do best… Relaxing on my bed!!! For the love that they bring into my life, I really do not mind.

— Christy

This is a photo of our baby girl Chanel sitting in a saucepan. When she was a baby she was the smallest, fluffiest, sweetest girl. Now she is a bit older she is still all those things, perhaps slightly cheekier.

— Susan

One of my kittens, Bully, having a nap on his favourite chair.

— Maggie.

My cheeky pup Prince, the Pomeranian.

This is a photo of our ferret Gollum, he looks ferocious but he’s soft and cuddly.

— Mat and Leanne

My cat Wegel finds life too hard!!

— Tonacia

This is Bear, AKA Mr Naughty, enjoying life on our boat. He is a purebred Labrador who is much loved by everyone he meets.

— Brittney

Ling Ling

Here is our newest one – Ling Ling, a purebred shih-tzu, aged 9 weeks. — Cheers, Kevin & Karen

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