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Tyre chaser


I have a six-year-old Doberman who likes to chase the car tyres whenever we drive out. We have tried everything. Can you help us please?

— Sam


Tyre chasing is quite a common hobby of active dogs, particularly those of a territorial nature. The movement sets off some sort of predatory behaviour inside the dog, and is reinforced each time — after all, the car goes away. And your Dobi would be convinced that he’s so tough he scared it away. Just for safety reasons alone, it would be a good idea to try and discourage this risk taking behaviour.

I would suggest you invest in a Kong toy, which is made of indestructible rubber, with a hollow core that you can stuff full of treats and keep him busy for ages. Only get it out when you are going in the car and give it to him as far away from the car as possible. Make a huge fuss about how exciting and special it is.

Also, make sure he gets an hour of good exercise a day (running off leash if possible) where he can get out, sniff things, let off nervous energy and be a dog.

In my experience Dobermans do tend to be highly-strung, sensitive (and very intelligent) dogs, but if big boisterous breeds don’t get enough physical and mental stimulation they definitely get up to all sorts of no good.

Some obedience training might be useful to help communicate with him what you want from him and give you better control (e.g. asking him to sit, drop and stay).

If this doesn’t help, or he shows other signs of anxiety or overly territorial tendencies, a visit to your vet to discuss other treatment options may be called for.

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