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My sister recently bought an adorable fluffy white Poodle Maltese cross puppy. However, within about four weeks of having her, the poor little thing got two ticks and was terribly ill and nearly died. Now my sister is too paranoid to take her out and won’t let her anywhere near any grass when she does. What can she do?




Your sister is right to be concerned about ticks, especially in warmer months. Ticks are usually picked up in very bushy areas so care needs to be taken if the puppy spends time in the bush. It is a good idea to regularly check the body for ticks — the paralysis tick is slate blue-brown in colour and begins a few millimetres in size but grows as it feeds and becomes engorged with blood. They are often on the front half of the body but can be found anywhere, including in the ears and between the toes.

The other thing to suggest to your sister is to use a spot-on tick preventative medication every two weeks over the tick season. Her vet can advise on what type will be safe and effective, but certainly don’t forgo any enjoyment for fear of ticks — attack them head-on instead!

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