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Three legs


Dear Dr Julie,

Last week my little golden retriever had his hind leg amputated due to cancer. I was wondering if you had any special tips for an expedited recovery and any advice on possible prosthetic attachments for my dog.

Thank you very much,

Selina, via e-mail


Oh, your poor little man. The good thing is that hopefully they were able to remove all the cancer (which I assume was bone cancer) and he will be a much happier and healthier dog. Despite how emotionally upsetting it can be for us to make that decision, dogs actually cope extremely well with amputations, especially if it’s a back leg, so he’ll be fine.

Just take care at first that he doesn’t fall down stairs or hurt himself while he is getting used to things, as his balance will be affected. Follow your vet’s instructions about specific care of the wounds, when to have stitches removed and how much exercise he can comfortably do. Your main job will be to give him lots of TLC, which, I’m sure, is no trouble at all!

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