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The Keeshond

The Keeshond

By Lucy Hine

The Keeshond (Keeshonden, plural) is a handsome dog with an alert and intelligent fox-like appearance. Of Arctic origin, in the eighteenth century it was known as “dog of the people”.

Around the time of the French Revolution, the Keeshond was seen as the symbol of the common and middle-class Dutchmen, who were led by the patriot Kees de Gyselaer. He owned a dog he called Kees.

For years, the Keeshond was known as the Dutch barge dog, as it was used as a watchdog on small barges and boats in the Netherlands.

Today, the Keeshond is known for its lively, intelligent and alert nature. It is an excellent companion dog for adults and children. It is affectionate, friendly, full of personality and because it is a quick learner, can be trained to perform.

The Keeshond is a dog that loves everyone and needs to be part of the family. They are generally good with other pets, but can be reserved or timid, so it is important to socialise them as puppies. They like to bark and are great watchdogs.

The Keeshond’s coat is long, straight and harsh, with a richly plumed tail and lion-like mane around the neck, shoulders and chest. Females don’t tend to have the mane. Their legs are covered in thick hair, called “trousers”, which is a characteristic of the breed. The rest of the body is covered with short thick hair that can be gray, black and cream, in light or dark shades.

It is important to keep the climate in mind when deciding whether to purchase this breed, because the Keeshond prefers cool climates due to its thick fur. The breed’s grooming requirement is not as hard as you might expect, but daily brushing of their long coat is important.

Definitely a people-loving dog, this breed is ideal for any family prepared to involve their dog in all activities. In return they will receive a devoted companion.

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