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My 2-year-old Spoodle, Bailey! He loves to dress up and is always ready for a photo!


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Lucille (tan) is an Australian Terrier cross (3 years) and Millie (black) is her daughter. They came to us a year ago after being taken in by Monika’s Doggie

— Stefani

Typsy as a kitten rumaging through the shopping bag.

— Renee

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Sam the boxer. He loves to sleep on my coffee table.

— Dhonalda

Sumo, showing off her belly after weighing in at 6.1kgs (1kg lighter than 12 months ago).

— Sasha

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This is Tessa Davis, my 1-year-old staffy cross. She’s a Super Dog, with or without the costume!

— Gena Davis

This is our family pet Jack Russell ‘Russ’ who just loves digging holes. I am hoping he stops soon.

— Jess

Diego the Husky is a kleptomaniac. He steals everything and takes it out to the backyard. And Mikey the Maltese encourages his bad behaviour. They also love to steal the bed.

— Cougar

This is my dog Lucy and my cat Sammy. When people say that dogs and cats don’t get along, it’s a lie. Have a look at this…

— Emma

This is my cute ridgeback x greyhound called Pharoah. Oh so cute!!!

— Annika

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