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My dog was attacked by my ex-boyfriend’s dog four months ago and needed stitches. He told me that he had taken the dog to the vet to have them removed, yet I just discovered that they are still in my little girl. Can they do any serious harm?



Those stitches, like the ex-boyfriend, have certainly passed their use-by date. There are two main problems with leaving stitches in the body. First of all, your little girl’s body is sure to react to this foreign material being in there for so long. The area might just be a little red and inflamed and some extra scarring might be the result. But don’t despair as chances are the hair will cover this up making it impossible to see once the stitches are removed. Secondly, the stitches can act a little like a wick and draw water, bacteria and whatever else from the outside of her body to underneath the skin where infection can then occur. The good news is however, that once the stitches are removed, so are your problems. Have them taken out straight away by your vet (this is free) and you should be fine.

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