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The Siamese

This purrsonality-plus puss is the pet for those who want an intense relationship with a character cat. No shrinking violet, the Siamese both demands and provides extremely stimulating companionship.

Extraordinarily intelligent, inquisitive and resourceful, the Siamese usually insists on participating in all facets of your daily activities ? whether it be reading the newspaper with you or doing the housework.

Impossible to ignore, this is a breed with a very definite opinion on just about everything, which it insists on sharing! The Siamese is an extremely vocal cat. Although some Siamese are more talkative or have louder voices than others, most of these cats love a chat. Whether it’s discussing what’s for dinner or which TV program to watch, this opinionated puss is sure to have something to say on the subject.

The dominant personality and individualistic ways of the Siamese can be enchanting and exasperating all at the same time. This is undoubtedly part of the attraction of these fascinating felines ? life will never be dull with a sleek and sassy Siamese by your side.

Despite their sometimes wilful ways, Siamese are steadfastly loyal and devoted to their owners. They tend to mellow out as they get older, so they are just as well suited to being close confidantes of the elderly as energetic playmates for the young. Male Siamese are often somewhat quieter than females.

Kittens are born white, with the darker colouring developing on the “points” ? ears, face, tail and feet ? from three to seven days of age. Eye colour is always a beautiful vivid blue.

The breed’s striking appearance, “in your face” personality, devoted disposition and companionable character ensures it has a legion of fans wherever it goes. For those who cherish individuality and self-expression in pets as well as people, the Siamese offers a deeply rewarding relationship.

In a nutshell, the Siamese is a very special feline friend for lovers of free spirits!

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